

2021 – 2022  |  Data-driven Performance Marketing
Data driven digital marketing for new subscriber acquisition.
Despite having a large customer database internally, KT’s digital marketing programs were quite antiquated, relying on general demographic and interest-level targeting information.
FECTA and its media partner, Motiv Intelligence, developed a program to access both KT’s internal data along with a wealth of data from our DMP through the use of mobile phone ADIDs.
By creating a unified targeting and messaging strategy for each campaign, we served highly targeted and relevant ads to the right people at the right time. We used  mobile phone ADIDs to general online advertising media, we served highly targeted ads to the right people with the right message.
For example, our highly successful ”Residential Block” program targeted people who moved in to a specific residential area three years prior – as they are most likely to be in the renewal cycle for a new phone.
Project collaboration with Motiv Intelligence